An Officer, a Gentleman. a Golfer and a La Sallista
When you think about it, Police Chief Superintendent Alexander C. Ignacio has a lot to boast about. Being born out of relative privilege and educated in fine schools did not mean that he gave himself room to slack off. Graduating from La Salle Green Hills in 1978 afforded a solid Lasallian education, and he went on to achieve further academic excellence. After LSGH, he went on to UP Diliman to take up Business Economics, and after which, entered the Philippine Military Academy in Baguio.

He excelled at the prestigious military school where he graduated number four in his class and a “cum laude” as part of PMA class of 1983, also known collectively as “Matikas”. He was also known for his track and field skills particularly in the 100 and 200 meters dash during his days in the academy.
Ignacio obtained a master’s degree in Business Management at the Asian Institute of Management as a scholar of Don Enrique Zobel, another La Sallite. Once again, that would have been a good enough reason for him to be comfortable, to bask in the luxury of being a military legacy.

Ignacio pursued a career in the military, following in the footsteps of his father and grandfathers. His late dad BGen Benjamin Jam Ignacio Jr. (PMA 1956) was formerly the Regional Commander, PC/INP RECM X, and grandfathers Gen. Ernesto Mata (Former AFP Chief of Staff and Secretary of National Defense) and Maj. Benjamin Igancio Sr. was a WW2 War Veteran.
It seems, however, that comfort was the last thing on this Lasallian’s mind. Ignacio earned his keep and worked his way up to the top, showing that whatever assets blessed with him by his fortunate circumstances are just secondary to his merits. His colorful career in the service of the public reflects a man of fine values of leadership, honesty, and desire to serve.
These virtues have clearly been with him even during his younger years, inarguably the product of solid family values and a good Christian education. Ignacio has been assigned at various PC and PNP units in Luzon, Visayas & Mindanao – the two most recent being at Tacloban, Region 8 and Butuan, Region 13 –Caraga. From being an intelligence and operations officer assigned in Bukidnon in the 1980s, he is now the Deputy Director for the Philippine National Police’s Directorate for Comptrollership at Camp Crame —not an easy task to accomplish, even among the best of men.
Considering the daunting task of ensuring that the national police force’s finances are made transparent and accountable, you’d think that Ignacio would have little time for anything. On the contrary, to play a mean game of golf once in a while, with a single-digit handicap.
It thus makes one wonder: with all that he’s done, will he finally show signs of slowing down?
Not quite. Despite the extensive list of achievements on his resume, he does not seem like a man who has any inclination to rest on his laurels just yet. It is clear that there is much of the world to conquer, and Ignacio just seems like the man for the job.
Not that he’s going to boast about it—he’s just going to go ahead and wow you, as he does in every aspect of his distinguished life – even on the golf course.
Chief Superintendent Ignacio has since retired from active service-ed